The other night I had a dream that I was being held back from living my best life- the fun, exciting life I was created to live!

Over the past few months I have noticed an increase in stress and anxiety in so many of the young women I talk to.
Is this you?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life wondering how your dreams got pushed aside and things less important took over?

I can honestly say that I have discovered how to stay on track with my best life. And I want to help you discover it too.

Over the years I have been disturbed by the example of coaches sitting on the sidelines yelling at their team telling them, not showing them what to do.
Being a visual learner I find it hard to emulate only what someone is saying in my day-to-day life.

Growing up in a culture of “do as I say not as I do” created a tenacious desire in me to live out what I teach. (This is definitely still a work in progress).

One example was when I had the opportunity to coach a high school dance team – I demonstrated the leaps and axels before ever requiring it of them.

I believe the greatest coaches and leaders have walked the path before those they are leading and teaching.

Does this mean I am perfect? Absolutely not! But it does mean that I will climb the mountain alongside you as we move two steps forward and one step back.

There are so many times in life we are unable to control our climate and the world around us. People get sick and sometimes die, financial obstacles arise and there may even be seasons when our time seems to be out of our control.

If I am totally honest and vulnerable I beat myself up more than anyone else when it comes to feeling like I am off-track. But then I look back at how far I’ve come, focus on where I am going and I get so excited and inspired. That is exactly what I want for you!

I want you to be able to plot the path out to your destination and feel as excited and inspired as I am. And even more than that, like the dancers I coached, I want to share my experience and journey to help you along on yours. Some people prefer to take CBD to reduce stress after a doctor’s recommendation and you can find it on White Widow marijuana Weed Online.

It’s one thing to look ahead toward your dreams of the future. It’s another thing to stand beside someone holding the compass that shows how to get there.

Let’s start today. What are your dreams? What obstacles in your life right now are keeping you from getting there?

“ To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France

I believe in you and I also believe I can help you find how to get to where you’re going!

You have to believe that the time to act is now!