Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something!
Are you waking up every morning wishing you could do something to alleviate all the pain and unrest you are seeing on a daily basis?
It is disheartening to scroll through social media and feel helpless. I can’t help but see the irony in people so emotionally charged posting about issues that obviously have them fired up, while working or living right next to someone who’s actually taking action daily. (I see you.)
About 11 years ago that was me. And I humbly acknowledged with a group of colleagues via ZOOM recently that because of tenacity, in conjunction with action, we have truly come so far in being the change we wanted to see in the world a decade ago.
I would like to offer you a few action items you can take today that will bring you to that same place and not of one of helplessness and frustration.
1. Instead of just sharing emotional social media posts, spend the same amount of time researching the issue and accumulating documented facts.
2. Search for a local organization or nonprofit that works to remedy what is breaking your heart. Support them by volunteering or financially. (Bonus points of you can do both!)
3. Stop believing the lie that one person can’t make a difference, yes you can! So start today.
4. Grab a few friends to learn more and discuss action items. (Have a grassroots meeting in a coffee shop, watch a documentary, etc.) This is exactly how our human trafficking coalition and Task Force began over a decade ago.
5. Finally, share your findings with hope.
Being the change is about bringing solutions, not only the issues to the table.
I know it may sound cliche, but you actually can “Be the change you want to see in the world!”
I get it, at times life can be overwhelming. I have felt the same way and we all have the same seven days a week with a mere 24 hours in those days to spend very selectively. But if you truly feel the way you say you do, then it is time for you to do something. I am here to help you in anyway I can.
So remember –
The next time something breaks your heart or makes your blood boil don’t just sit there, do something!
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