The Time For New Is Now!
I’m beginning to see a trend in the world today –
It looks like one crisis after another.
I have seen tendencies in myself and others consistently to just sit back and wait for everything to get back to normal.
I have news for you – that may never happen.
The Power to make a change in your life depends Only on YOU!
After the recent ice storm that hit Texas leaving so many (including myself) without power and water along with unusual (for our state) weather conditions, we practically lost another week.
A week that we could not afford to lose after the shutdowns of the past several months. And I know I’m not the only one feeling this way.
One thing that I was committed to (and consistent in) was a 40 day challenge that I signed up for that runs from Ash Wednesday through Easter. As I recognized the commitment I have by being in a like-minded community, I wondered if the same might work for you?
So here I am scrambling to make this idea work because I don’t want you to lose another opportunity or another precious day.
We have 40 days left until Easter if we start now.
So, what have you been putting off that you really want to do?
I wanted spiritual accountability during this Lenten season, so I joined Arabah Joy’s “Praying the Promises of the Cross” challenge.
But because as a life coach I believe in a holistic approach I am going to take it one step further. We are going to set goals for each of the four areas of your life spiritual, physical, social-emotional, and mental. But so as not to overwhelm you in this fun little accountability group, we are only going to tackle one per day. (You can do more if you’d like).
This is how it goes, each day you will commit to working towards your goal and document it, and will alternate through the four areas. For example, one day for spiritual I may write out a Scripture, The next day for physical I may go for a walk, for mental I could read a chapter in a book or listen to a podcast and for social (especially important during this season that we are in) I can call a friend or plan a coffee date.
To really stretch yourself remember we are trying to implement and achieve goals that we haven’t accomplished for whatever reason (mostly the overwhelm). So try not to write something down that you’ve already been doing.
The goal is to get to Easter Sunday and look back in amazement at all that you actually achieved instead of looking back once again and feeling like weeks have flown by with no progress towards your dreams and goals.
I am creating a downloadable PDF especially for you to keep track of this for the next 40 days. (Email or personal message me if you would like one).
I can’t wait to hear from you and hear about the goals that you would like to tackle for the next 40 days. But more importantly, I’m so excited for the community and the motivation to do this together!
Let’s Do This!!!!
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