Before Netflix and Video on Demand, growing up brought an anticipation of seeing classic movies that aired only once a year.

One of my annual favorites was “The Wizard of Oz”.

If for some crazy reason you haven’t had the opportunity to enjoy this Technicolor musical, stop right now and find it and watch it.

The legendary story follows Dorothy and her loyal band of sojourners down the yellow brick road as they seek to find the Wizard of Oz .

Supposedly the Wizard holds solutions for their various predicaments. Dorothy needs to find her way home, the Lion is searching for bravery, the Tin Man a heart & so on.

The symbolic beauty of the story is how it connects us right here and now in our various journeys.

Imagine your life lived in subtle shades of grey. Then one day you determine in your heart, mind and soul to stop letting life just “happen” to you and you set out to make a plan and be a proactive participant!

Unfortunately, many times it is the storms in life that bring us to this point. But when it does happen we wake up to a beautiful and bright, hope-filled world.

Then the journey begins. Too bad we couldn’t just camp out in the lovely garden atmosphere, sharing stories with the munchkins. Standing still makes us an easy target for anyone or anything that wants to keep us from our destiny. As if that wasn’t bad enough, we are still going to have obstacles to face along the way, you know, flying monkeys and evil witches.

Ok, maybe its not all that bad, but there are going to be challenges along the way. And that’s exactly why you are here. No one should have to take this journey down the yellow brick road alone. We all need a few friends to help us fight off those legendary lions, tigers and bears, Oh MY!

I was reading in the bible today about some guys that risked everything to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus. (Luke 5) They climbed to the top of a building, dug through layers of mud and then pulled out the roof tiles (enough to lower a stretcher through), all for their friend! They didn’t care what people thought, or what price they had to pay for the damages. Their friend had a need and hey were willing to do anything to get him the results he needed. Jesus was impressed by the friends & healed the paralyzed man.

Did you catch that? He was impressed by the friends! Those are the kind of friends we need on this journey. And that’s the kind of friend we should be.

So, find out who is with you as you begin to share your vision with your friends.

Maybe you could schedule a Wizard of Oz movie night to strategize.

Then ask a couple to come along with you as we ease on down the road!