Have You Wandered Off Course?

Have You Wandered Off Course?

When you think about your purpose in life

In this current season ~

Have you wandered off course?

How often do you set goals or new intentions that fall to the wayside a few weeks later?

I am raising both my hands here. We have all made commitments to ourselves at one time or another that we failed to follow through on. As serious as we are about change, somehow we eventually wander off course.

Maybe we can put an end to all that wandering.

I think the greatest catalyst is truly knowing where you are headed and why. Most people wander due to lack of direction. So that is step one- clearly define where you want to go.

What’s your desired destination?

Secondly, is motivation. You have probably heard the popular phrase, “know your why”.

But, I want to take it a step further. Deep seated, long lasting motivation comes from the assurance that we are walking in our purpose and calling. So how do you find out what that is?

Do you know your purpose, your calling?

A couple of weeks ago I discovered a phrase that defined a secret ingredient I knew was a missing part of this directional recipe, but I could never put a name to it before. Now I am sharing the secret ingredient with you.

If you have ever read a book or taken a course on how to find your purpose or calling you know what I am talking about. I can see you raising your hand (while at the same time rolling your eyes). Usually this information is so vague that it is discouraging.

And actually it wasn’t just the phrase, but the deeper meaning I uncovered, in the definition of “Coram Deo”, which literally means living before the face of God.

In fact, R.C. Sproul defines it this way, “ to live Coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.“ (Ligonier.org Nov. 13, 2017)

As I dig deep with my life coaching clients I inevitably bring up Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

In light of this scripture; if you are truly God’s handiwork (His poema, His masterpiece) created to something specific –

How are you living your very own Coram Deo???

Ask yourself – “Am I living my life each day intentionally, with purpose, to carry out my God-given calling?”

I would love for you to join me for the next 90 days. Here is what this looks like:

  1. Define your calling, what is your God-given purpose on this earth?
  2. Create a specific action plan to pursue that purpose.
  3. Define four small habits or steps that you can apply at the rate of one per week.

If any of these steps seem too daunting please reach out to me.

As a Life Coach, my greatest desire is for you to live Coram Deo!!!


Now is the time to get back on course.

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Carolina Sizemore

Carolina Sizemore
My dream is to see women of every age experience their very own happily ever after.
Click HERE for a little of my story.

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