Who are you committed to?
I can easily place most people in at one extreme or the other.
Some are so quick to say yes to every single opportunity that comes along that they are not even sure what they’re passionate about anymore. And unfortunately, they have no margin to pursue what they’re really called to do.
Others compromise like a river that takes the path of least resistance just going with the flow. I know from experience how hard it is to overcome obstacles in your path in order to become who you always knew you could be. Trust me, there are days when I would just like to let life toss me wherever it would like. But I know in the end that the choice is mine and no one else’s to determine the path that I need to take.
Remember, you will make time for what you are passionate about.
So, where do you lie on that spectrum? Are you saying “yes” to too many options and having to say “no” when you have no more capacity?
Jesus warns us “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one.” (Matt. 5:37).
So, quit overcommitting and start being true to yourself and the promises you’ve made your future you!
My life verse is Mark 12:30 and 31-
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Unfortunately, I see a trend more than ever where people, (and more so women) are unable to love their “neighbor” because they may not even know how to love themselves. This is especially true when they have been unable to follow through with Jesus’ warning in Matthew chapter 5. When they were younger they may have made promises to themselves of who they were going to become, what they were going to do and what they were not going to do. As the years flew by it became easier to avoid confrontation and compromise those “yeses and nos”.
Whether it’s the obstacle in the way or the fear of not being loved, deceiving yourself has years of repercussions.
Even today, so many of us have made goals or promises to ourselves that we rarely keep.
Let me ask you a question-
If you are dishonest with yourself how can you be honest with others?
It must start within you first.
We are going to try a little experiment; make a commitment – just a small one to yourself.
(Maybe it’s to take a 30 minute bubble bath tonight, or walk around the block.)
Now, do not let midnight come without following through with whatever you promised yourself you would do. Not only do you deserve whatever you promised yourself. But more importantly, You need to commit to yourself – You have to believe that you can count on you.
In this unstable time of unreliability, we need to become the change and the change starts within ourselves when we let our “yes be yes, and our no be no”!
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