Who are you committed to? I can easily place most people in at one extreme or the other. Some are so quick to say yes to every single opportunity that comes along that they are not even sure what they’re passionate about anymore. And unfortunately, they have no margin...

Deep Calls To Deep
When my son was in high school we took a trip to Hawaii to visit a close friend who was stationed there. During our exploration of the beautiful island, we took a day trip to Hanauma Bay one of the top snorkeling sites in Hawaii. My friend had experience...

The Time For New Is Now!
I'm beginning to see a trend in the world today – It looks like one crisis after another. I have seen tendencies in myself and others consistently to just sit back and wait for everything to get back to normal. I have news for you - that may never happen. The Power to...

You Can Do This!
I have news for you - You can do this! Yes you can! We all go through seasons in life. (Did you hear that? I said seasons - seasons are not permanent. They are a segment of time that we eventually pass through.) We go through seasons in life that are difficult,...

Learn to Fly Into This New Season
It’s time to leave your comfort zone behind and learn to fly to where this new season is beckoning you. For several days as I was out running, I noticed the curbs and sidewalks in my neighborhood being overrun with cut down tree limbs as everyone prepared for fall...

What If It’s NOT About You?
We get confused sometimes. When we presume that our emotions or our fear should be allowed to dictate our decisions, we are subconsciously giving up control. If your emotions tend to hijack your life choices, the real question you should be asking is, "What if it’s...
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